

GoFa Concept





我々が展示するマンガ・アニメ・ゲームなどのJ-POP Cultureは、生まれたままの純白な心で、「カッコイイ」「カワイイ」「怖い」「凄い」と感じることができる、単純明快で説明いらずのファンタスティックなアートであり、その意味を込めて、Galleryの名前をGoFa(Gallery of Fantastic art)と命名いたしました。



今やJ-POP Cultureは、日本にとっての知的産業であり、異国の文化風習、宗教、歴史観を超えてコミュニケーションを実現するポテンシャルの高い文化資産であるという事が多くの事例から読み取れるようになってきましたが、能動的にこれらの資産を通じて、戦略的に諸外国とコミュニケーションを図るという試みが少ないのが現実です。我々は20年に亘り、国内外で企画展を主に、ワークショップ、シンポジウム、商品企画などをおこない、J-POP Cultureの文化資産としての高い価値を実証してまいりました。


GoFa ( Gallery of Fantastic art : 幻想画廊 )


Gallery of Fantastic art, GoFa is the expert gallery of art exhibition of comic, anime, and games.

GoFa holds exhibition for more than 20 years. We grasp comic, anime, game, and SFX are not only Japanese artistic works but also a global asset beyond race, language, and nationality. GoFa holds exhibitions for appeal of products and authors. Our exhibits are simple. No explanation needed. Audiences can feel them with their born heart. That’s why our gallery called GoFa, the Gallery of Fantastic art.

People can enjoy comics, and anime easily and they are completed version. There are rare products supposed to show original art. They are drawn for publicity and suppose to copied.

GoFa exhibits manuscripts and rough sketch are drawn before accomplished. Which makes audiences to feel breath of authors.

J-POP Cultures are one of the Japanese industries and can make communication beyond culture, religion, and history. Yet there are rare positive attempts to exchange culture.

Nowadays, there are a lot of exhibition held in art museum or departments for advertisement. Because of the character, the content of these exhibitions is well known. There are rare contents nameless but artistic. For the reason, we, GoFa hold exhibitions without discrimination between nameless or well known for all authors and fans.

GoFa Books

GoFaのコンセプトワークス もの創りについて

『Japanese Entertainment』 『Japanese Entertainment』

『Japanese Entertainment』

・監修:良園道都 (磯野通敏)

『rule』 『Japanese Entertainment』

『fa documenta RANGE MURATA』-001+002 correction catalogue-


『fa documenta RANGE MURATA』 『Japanese Entertainment』


